When you need God the most…

AtTheRightHand Forums Discussion When you need God the most…

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    When you need God most, is when you can do the most for God?

    As our live’s desires, out side of God’s will, lead us into temptation, and that temptation lead us to sin, before that sin leads us to death, God will always give us a way of escape. Death is hoping that we choose it over the way of escape. Because the way of escape for each of our temptations is the Truth. The Truth always leads to life and abundant life is where it leads. The biggest lie the devil has going is, death is the easy way out, rather than face the Truth. As sin stacks up in our life, the things that deny the truth, and we have need of the way of escape, Jesus, the way the truth and the light is where we need to step into. We need to come to the reality of our life. If our choices have been to deny the truth, then as we allow things in our life, that are not truth, we come to a reality of how much we need the truth. The more we need the truth, because of our denial of it, it is then we can do the most, to show the value of it.

    The Truth is a treasure and should be treated as such. It is the mystery behind the truth that will keep it out of the wrong hands. The truth that is kept as a treasure and not handed out for all the world to see, is what will allow you to know a lie when it shows up on the seen. It is then that death no longer has a hold on you.

    As the world sees a rich man, that denies God and says “He must know God because he is rich.”

    As the world sees people that the truth has been kept from, and says, “They must not be blessed by God because they are sick, poor, or uneducated.” When the worlds education is kept a mystery, and if you have money you can have it, and without it you will be kept from money. And the truth is, everyone that has allowed God to lead them, the wisdom of this world will be foolishness to them.

    As the world sees two and three churches on every corner, and the only thing they have in common is they pass the plate, and they say, “Come to the house of God and hear the truth, because they know it better than anyone. Allow us to pray for you because God answers our prayers.”

    When the truth is God will hear your heart led prayer as much as anyones. And if they knew the truth, they would be teaching you to pray and become self sufficient, and not depend on their ministry, for your answers from God.

    As we watch, millions of women choose to see their children destroyed, to keep their place of power, and we know Jesus died for their denial of the truth. So that the choice of choosing death over truth would be forgiven.

    Jesus is truth. And truth is your way of escape from where your temptation has led you. It is when you need the truth the most, is when you can show how valuable the truth is, because it is always the way of escape, that death hopes you never choose.


    As the saying goes “truth will set you free” stands for just that. In his eyes no matter what you have come from in the past so long as you are willing to give your life to him he will be there to answeres your prayers a honest man is only as honest as his heart is. We all have temptations may it be the candy bar, a magazine picture of a nice woman, or even the neighbor across the street, but we must be honest with our selves and come to know what is true in our heart and by loving GOD and praying to him he will keep us in the right path to heaven and away from the temptations.

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