What holiday is next?

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    What holiday is next?

    Galatians 4:8-11 But then, indeed, when you did not know God, you served those which by nature are not gods. But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage? You observe days and months and seasons and years. I am afraid for you, lest I have labored for you in vain.

    When we live our lives like the world wants us to live, we look for the next holiday, we cannot wait for Christmas, and before Christmas is over we look for New years, and then Valentines Day, then Easter, then summer comes and we look for vacation. Now put in birthdays and anniversaries, And you will never get out of debt even if you work three jobs. By the time you pay off one worldly holiday the next worldly holiday comes along.

    The world celebrates birthdays of profits after they are dead. The great presidents of old get their birthdays celebrated after they are dead. The world teaches us to celebrate our own birthday with gifts and cakes and candles. The world says you get one day a year to see yourself as special, and if you or someone you love misses that day, you are depressed or they are depressed. We have to see that is not God’s will in our lives. But satan loves the pressure you are under on the special days, that the world says are special. The world does not even know when Jesus was born. They say they do, but the truth is Satan did not know and Herod the evil king had all the male children killed under a certain age hoping he would kill Jesus the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The world wants to keep chaos going in this world so we stand confused on every issue. The world says Christmas is a time of giving, but instead of celebrating the true meaning of Christmas, the world has it so money driven we loose sight of it. The guilt that comes from, setting one day a year a side to make something as special as, Christ birthday celebrated, is a mountain we need to move. Anytime we want to put an emphasis on one day over another to make it special, it is the world leading us. We need to treat everyday of the year as Christ birthday. We need to love everyone of our brothers and sisters like it was their birthday everyday. The world keeps track of Jesus’s death everyday when it keeps a date. Christians keep track of the risen Christ that sits at the right hand of the Father until His enemies are made His footstool.

    Each day we place one more enemy under our feet, because we are a part of Christ body it is under His feet. That is something to celebrate every day. Keep your faith going strong we are winning this battle by faith everyday and Satan and his kingdom do not even realize it.

    Do not get caught up in what the world says that is important. If you become guilt stricken, or depressed during a holiday, birthday, Christmas always remember God’s ways not the worlds. God wants His children happy everyday. The world wants to attack your feelings, If it is pumping you up it is only to let you down.

    Keep your eyes on the things of God, off of yourself and you will have the desires of your heart. Do not look forward to the next holiday, take it in stride, let the guilt that comes with setting one day a year a side to celebrate anything important, leave. Do not feel guilty because the world wants you to feel guilty. Any thing that is worth celebrating is worth celebrating everyday to God. Not just one day a year.


    I heard somewhere that the only thing that you truly have is today, yesterday is a memory and tomorrow is a dream. With that you don’t even get today, but each second as it comes to you. As Christians we know that we will have everlasting life. That is awesome, but that everlasting life is because God chooses for us to have it. Everyday we wake up, every breath we take is a gift on a special holiday, a holiday called life. Why not use it and the power that has been given to us for all that it is worth? We can’t escape the trivial everyday worldly things that we must deal with because we live here; but with the Helper they will be easy and we can move on to the next joyful thing, and bless someone.

    Pretty cool huh? 8)


    Thanks, Guys, for the reminder. The merchandising world is really satan’s assistant in ths. Buy candy, send cards, send flowers, buy presents……..and now (which is different from when I was a kid) Valentine’s decorations are going up in stores before the Christmas ones come down.,etc……

    Thanks again…inSPIRational!



    I’m soooooooo glad to see more and more response from folks on the site! And of diverse nature! Praise Jesus for his movement of people’s hearts and fingers.

    As far as holidays go, we’ve gotta take another look at the lesson on symbol vs. subject. Did you all know that St. Valentine was a minister who performed Christian wedding ceremonies and spoke the word of Jesus Christ? He was sentenced to death by the Roman Empire for his “treachery”. Days before his execution, children slipped messages of love to the prisoner, telling him that they believed. (brief aside: this is the whole of the story as related to me many times. I took the parts that were consistent with all acounts and put them in here. If you have anything to add, post reply, please 😆 ).

    As is usually the case, Hallmark took their hold and twisted Valentine’s day into what it has become. Let us remember the basis of this holiday, and the basis of most all of the holidays we celebrate; Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. It is by his grace and love that we go on each day.

    There are three things that will endure; faith hope and love. And the greatest of these things is love. –1 Corinthians 13: 13

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