Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThat’s the only Electric song that popped into my mind, if you’re curious about the title.
Any hoodle doodle, I wanted to make a comment on God and energy. Science does quite a bit to prove what Beaver said right (even though, as many of us know, most “sciency” folk don’t rely on faith as much as they do fact). One physics principal states that energy cannot be created, nor can it be destroyed. It only changes form. Once, one of those “sciency” people said “If God made everything, who made God?” To this, I replied:
“God is energy. Pure, powerful energy. He’s been here the whole time, He always has been and He always will be. And He has changed form; He became a man so He could come down here and save us from our sins. The energy that flows from you, to you, around you and through you is God’s energy. He used it to create you. Just think about it.”
Shine on, you lights of God. Shine on.Jimmy
ParticipantI had a brush with this concept just last night. While reading Beaver’s post, I began to think “What on earth is he trying to say?” You can see my brain being spun around while I write my two responses. The first was me just saying “Hey, what’s up with this post?” and jsut as I posted that reply, the thought clicked with me. The concept sank in and I felt kinda foolish for not coming up with it. All day today, I chuckled at the thought. You goof, I said. It was staring you right in the face. When I came on tonight and read the post, another thought clicked in with me. I was thinking of last night’s post, I was thinking with my intellectual, active mind. I needed to think of it with my spiritual, passive mind. There is a difference, and I see it now. Our active intellectual mind is the devil’s playground. Here, he tries to use logic and doubt to defeat us. He creates chaos and confusion, and tells us that the wrong thing is right if we do it a certain way and that our intellect is greater than any other person’s belief can ever be. Our passive spiritual mind is where we go when we pray, when we worship, and when we get into our private areas and offer our deepest soul to God. This mind tells us that everything will be all right if we ask God to help us. I’m resolving here and now to use my passive spiritual mind more lightly, as sometimes you need to stop analyzing things in order to understand them better. Seeing and Hearing aren’t the same as Looking and Listening, and Thinking and Believing aren’t equal either. Here’s to the hope that we can expand our minds without inhibiting our hearts.
ParticipantI just got it. It makes sense. Thanks for the message!
ParticipantSorry, I’m a little lost on this one. Are we supposed to reject the world for calling the toilet a throne or are we supposed to treat the toilet like a throne? Maybe it went over my head (a rare instance), but I just don’t see what I need to take in from this one. Maybe a little clarification?
ParticipantMy forensics coach and I were discussing the works of C.S. Lewis. Lewis was a professor of religious study, and he wrote a book called “The Sticktape Letters”. In the book, he debunked a long-standing myth; Many people think that God and the Devil are equals, two forces acting in counterbalance. We, as humans, assume this is true, because we look for the balance in the everyday things. HEAR THIS: GOD IS INFINITELY MORE POWERFUL THAN THE DEVIL! If you believe that God is the supreme being, you have to believe just that; the Devil is NOT God’s equal. Lewis wrote that the Devil is a sharp, shrewed businessman. He knows he can’t outsmart God, he cannot overpower Him, and he cannot outclass Him; He CAN, however, trick you out of believing in God. And he keeps trying all the time (in church, at home, at work, etc.). You’re not safe from the Devil’s tongue and his underhanded reasoning unless you know that God is the master and he can hold back the Devil.
ParticipantSorry! The play will be performed at Washington and Lee High School at about 2:00…due to a postponed meeting with our sponsors and our principal, we had to push back our original date of the 3rd and 4th of April
to the 24th and 25th, which is fine. Still, we’re getting all the fine edges hewed out and I’ll send the tickets to the Beav…just give him the numbers.More to come! keep watching this post
ParticipantDue to the fact that this particular topic truly sparked something in me and the fac that the site has reached 100 topics (another milestone!), I would like you all to read this poem that I am writing even now…I call it
“An Odd Looking Tree”
My dear, look at this!
Quite a site I should see!
Come gather and look
at this odd looking tree…See, it has no bark
There’s no roots and no stems
There’s no sign of a lark
or a wren in the limbs.I can see no real leaves
there’s no branches to see
just a straight up and down
to this odd looking tree.Wait…I suppose,
If your imagination’s big,
You can see two straight branches
come out of this twig.What a pity it is!
what a sad thing to see!
Someone has marred
this unusual tree!See, here, they drove nails
There’s a one, two…no, three
three nails in the body
of this odd looking tree.What strange stuff is this?
What color this mud?
This tree grows not in water…
It’s bathed in red bloodAnd folks cry all around
they think it is sad
apparently this deed
must be terribly bad.But wait…are those trumpets?
Are those ANGELS I see?
They’re shining their light
on this odd looking tree!And they’re saying to me
as I stand by its root
“You’d understand this tree
if you ate of its fruitIf you knew of our Master
you’d certainly see
that this is a cross,
not some odd looking tree.Where the Master will take you
there will never be strife.
Just eat from this tree…
This Great Tree of Life!”The angels ascended
and left me to think
of this wonderful vision
that left in a blink.I will take the fruit!
Eternal life, live in me!
I shall praise the Great God
for this beautiful tree!Jesus, my Jesus
Mankind’s loving lamb
The Lord of the Angels
The Son of “I Am!”Please let me tell tales
of your love that I see…
Let me share the fruit
Of this odd looking tree.Thank you, Beaver, for inspiration. We’re at 100…let’s go for ten fold!
FOR ALL YOU READERS! POST POST POST!March 5, 2004 at 11:04 pm in reply to: If we do not add to, or take away from the Bible, what’s up! #18622Jimmy
ParticipantI liked this topic a lot, Beaver. I think I may have some elaboration for one of these questions.
The thing about Jesus’ brothers; Let’s highlight James (which is Hebrew for “Supplanter” which means “to take the place of another”. James was a son of Mary and Joseph some years after Jesus was born; thus, in the strictest sense of the word, we see that James was Jesus’ half-brother. When people worship “The Virgin Mary” or “La Virgen” or “La Madonna”, they are awestruck by the miracle of Jesus’ birth. I think this is the reason people refer to Mary as the Virgin: Her sanctity remained even after Jesus’ birth because her son was God’s Son.
I still have to throw back to my earlier topic here; if you aren’t worshiping Jesus Christ who died on the cross, you’re missing the mark. God put Mary here to bring Jesus into this world. He put the cross here to slay Jesus and he put the nails here to make Jesus bleed. Still, God’s whole purpose for putting His plan into action was to save His creations from the pain of death and Hell. Jesus is who we praise, and the father likewise to worship. We shouldn’t praise Mary, or the Cross, or the nails. They’re all symbols. We need the substance.Jimmy
ParticipantI do, indeed, believe that tradition consumes the true meaning of religion. In an earlier post, I talked about a sermon that inspired me which said that the symbolism surrounding Christianity sometimes blotted out the subject. For most people, going to church means they are bound for Heaven. Let’s go ahead and say the old addage now so that everyone can see it, shall we? GOING TO A GARAGE DOESN’T MAKE YOU A CAR ANY MORE THAN GOING TO CHURCH MAKES YOU A CHRISTIAN. It is the faith, the love, and the message of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior that opens the gates of heaven and assures us a mansion of rest. Still, to strengthen our beliefs, we must realize that God has given us tools. The Bible is a tool, as it gives us God’s word and tells us what we need to achieve a life in the love of Jesus Christ. Likewise, Church is a tool. It is a place of worship. Attendence does not insure admission into heaven, nor does any preacher have the power to write you a permission slip. The people at your Church should be like minded about their walk with Jesus Christ; if they aren’t, it’s time to re-evaluate the Church’s role in your life. I have often felt lackluster after Church. I wondered for a long while why I didn’t feel as fulfilled as some other folks that I knew. Thanks to this site and my new understanding of scripture, I learned that your walk with Jesus Christ is just that; You must knock on the door of Heaven and ask Jesus to let you in the threshold. If you look for fulfilment in tradition, you’re looking in the wrong place. Jesus will feed your spiritual need, not monotony and unfulfilling hours of boredom. If your Chruch experience is not sitting right with you, you need to ask yourself whether or not you’re sitting in the right place. Find a better way to get yourself closer to Jesus and to his power; if church isn’t an effective tool, get a better one and get back to work.
Thanks for this discussion, Kathy. Good job on your PRAXIS!Other thoughts, folks?
ParticipantWhether any of you readers are aware of this or not, I’m unsure, but Beaver is my Uncle. Thereby, his mother and father (the subject of the above post) are my Grandparents. I and my cousins (Beaver’s Sons, mentioned in previous posts) will be the first to tell you that our Grandparents are the sweetest, most caring, most thoughtful people in our lives. They hold their children and grandchildren (and great-grandchild) in the highest regard and know the value of family. I can safely say that if everyone had my Granddaddy and BeeNana (or Tootie…she’s got quite a few names!) as their example of how two people should act toward the rest of the world and give of themselves, how great our world would be. Praise Jesus for them, and may God continue to bless them with his grace and bless all of my family with their presence.
ParticipantFor all you folks who are in the at the right hand Saturday bible study, I pose a simple question…
Which side of THE WALL are you on?
E-mail me for further details…
Participant100 REPLIES! It’s a milestone, folks! Praise Jesus for giving Beaver the message and for giving us the good grace to respond, to understand, and to grow! Let’s keep Beaver going! Post post post post post!
ParticipantTimothy LaHaye, who has done dozens of books on the book of Revelation, is convinced that the “Mark of the beast” described by John in the book is going to be a barcode. Look around your house, in your wallet, in your dresser drawer, on your keychain. Every card, every grocery store savings card, every bank account, everything and anything which contains information has an alphanumeric code attached. LaHaye believes that when John’s foretold Revelation does come to pass, the mark of the beast will be a bar code which contains information from every facet of your life. The mark of the beast will be the key to every earthly thing you desire, enjoy or possess.
I only put this in here because it sprang into the forefront of my brain. As John and the Bible tell us, We shouldn’t watch for signs, as only God knows when the time will come. Still, we as Christians must always be wary of that which tethers us to the world.Jimmy
ParticipantSorry to have been so quiet lately, folks and forks. My computer is fully functional…finally! Now, if I could only get its operator up to speed, I’ll be in shape. I’ve been a little bogged down here lately. Not to worry; God gives me strength to handle my tasks. If He got me to it, I know He’ll get me through it.
I’ll try to be a little more devout in writing. I haven’t been “struck” here lately, but when an issue does hit me, You can be certain that I’ll put it on here for everyone’s viewing pleasure.
If “WHERE’S JIMMY?” was referring to Jimmy Hoffa, on the other hand…I guess I don’t know what to tell you.
Love and devotion in all of our walks of life,
ParticipantGood shootin’, Kathy! I’ve kind of been facing the same situation, but on a different side of the lake; I’m trying to get into college. I have prayed to God to make clear to me all the paths available to me, and to allow me to get into a good college where I can learn and be a good student and an observant follower of Christ’s message. So far, I have been accepted to two of the colleges I applied to, which means I’m waiting on a few more. I prayed about it, I believed I’d get it, and I’m watching my faith go into action. I realize now that prayer is not just a formality or a wish, which I believed it was for many years (in error). It is asking God earnestly for that which you need to keep your life going in a positive direction. I’m waiting on three more colleges; I’ve still got plenty of praying to do!
Again, gotta give props to Kathy; Nice goin. Keep up the good work!
–Jimmy -