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ParticipantAnyone can wish a bad thing on someone else. But your will can never overtake their will. God does not make people do His will. He can, but will not. He will not change your will. And your wish, (good or bad) will never overide anothers will.
This posting covers the spiritual realm of battle, all battles are spiritual.
In the Old Testament, the battles that were fought that were backed by God were won without physical intervention on the believers part. The walls of Jericho fell by prayer and belief in God. King Jehoshaphat’s people rejoiced and sang and when they arrived at the battlefield the enemy was defeated. When all of the believers were on one accord there was no need for physical battle.(See 2 Chronicles 20:1-37) The only time physical intervention is necessary is when the believers aren’t on one accord and aren’t praying to build up the spirit realm so that the good spirit realm can defeat the evil spirit realm.The earth is Satan’s realm, and because of that everything here is corruptable and evil abounds. There will be peace in the valley only when all of the believers are trusting in God on one accord. Could he strike all of the evil down so that there would be no war?Yes. But he will not change man’s free will. Jesus is for war, but not physical war, “We battle not against flesh and blood but, principalities and rulers of the darkness of this world.” It is easy to love everyone if you have the spiritual wickedness defeated. We must know that God will not eliminate evil in this realm it is there for us to always exercise our free will. If it was removed we would no longer have a free will. Any religion that says you must work to be worthy of Gods grace is directly opposed to Christianity. If it says you can become closer to God if you blow yourself up and kill infidels. It is exact opposite of Christianity. Gods will is for everyone to come to true repentance and love His son Jesus Christ. And any religion that professes different then this, must be won over by prayers of believers on one accord. With God it is aways a spiritual battle, that we can come together just like King Jehoshaphat’s people and win with song and praise to the only God and His Son Jesus Christ.
Thanks so much for this ? I hope I have helped and if not please ask again.
ParticipantMerry Christmas