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ParticipantIt is funny how when something makes us the same in each other’s eyes and God’s eyes they are so hard to comprehend. But when you think your’s does not stink, that’s when trouble starts. Romans 12:3 Luke 18:9-14
ParticipantI would have to say that our prayers can be heard by the devil, if we can hear them and someone standing near by can hear them. When we pray the scriptures tell us to pray in a room with the door closed. Matthew 6:6 I would have to believe this is because, if we can build our faith to a point, that we can keep from fear, doubt, or worry, and we pray in secret, and God can reward us openly, we will see that God is answering our prayers of faith. If we allow another to hear what we pray for, their confession of fear, doubt, and worry, can and will effect our faith, because faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. And if someone is saying God did not hear you or it didn’t work, etc… your faith will be hindered greatly.
When we pray in tongues we do not know what we are saying, we believe by faith that what we just said God heard and when we get what our desires are, we know that the praying in tongues is working. 1Corinthians 13, 14To have signs following our prayers, is the best faith builder I can think of. Now if we pray in tongues and we cannot understand what we just said, the devil cannot even say, “You will not get what you prayed for.” You do not know what you said yourself. And how sweet that is. The scriptures tell us that when we pray in tongues we pray in a way that we do not know what to pray for. It allows us to pray for someone in the Spirit and the Spirit knows what everyone needs. And how sweet that is. If you can not mess up tongues because you do not know what you are saying I would have to say the devil cannot either.
When we know all about the devil and find out how little power he has, we get to a place in life we are supposed to be as God’s children. The more we find out about the devil the better. If we can identify every wolf dressed up like a sheep, and let others know we can smile from ear to ear as the devil is exposed.
Know this, the devil is a conterfeiter. He can only make a cheap, and twisted imitation of the real thing, and it will cost you, because he comes not but for to steal, kill and destroy. And the devil is a liar and the father of them.John 8:44 Thanks for the discussion.
ParticipantAs we seek God first in all we do, God will besure to guide us to excellence. God’s desire for us is, for us to have all we need and desire. God wants us to enjoy this life His way. When we accept Jesus as our savior and use the Gifts He paid for at calvary to be more than conquerors in this world. We do all we do as if for God. This in turn leaves us with a daily smile, health, sound mind, without fear or worry. This is true excellence. Nothing missing or nothing broken.
ParticipantMatthew 11:2-6 And when John had heard in prison about the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples and said to Him, “Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?” Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: “The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them. “And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.”
These scriptures give us a good idea of the works Jesus did. What is important to know that when the blind see, that it can be physical blindness and people blinded from not ever seeing the truth. That when the deaf hear that it can be physical deafness and from not ever hearing the truth. And when people are healed from sickness and disease it is because of their faith, and understanding in God’s word.
When we hear the truth we can then tell the truth.
When we see the truth we can show what is the truth.
When we show people how to accept Christ as their savior, we raise the dead, to everlasting life.
When we use our faith to claim our healing, and walk the walk, we talk then we give the lame a direction, or reason to rise. We then can be an example for others to follow.
When we tell others of the victory in Christ, we may be the only example they ever see. These are the works Christ did that we will need to do also. It will take our faith in the word that works for us, that will give an example to others. It will take their faith to believe in what they see, and hear, in us. Let us not lead them astray.
ParticipantGood Question! When we become filled with the Holy Spirit we will speak in a unknown tongue as a sign, or evidence of being baptize in the spirit.
Jesus told the disciples to be sure and not to leave Jerusalem, until they where baptized in the Spirit (see Acts 1:1-7) He was letting them know that they would need the power Of the Holy Spirit to do the work that was to come. In (Acts 2:1-13) the scriptures tell us that they were all together on one accord (with the same mind, or thinking the same way) when the rushing mighty wind came into and filled the house that they were in. Then they were filled with the spirit. (In Acts2:11) the people outside the room where they were heard them speaking in his own native language. It is important to know that when we speak this language we do not know what we are saying. It is when we pray, and we know what we are saying, that the thoughts of the world can distort or confuse what needs to be said. But when we pray in a unkown tongue it is to edify our spirit and to build us spiritually and a way for us to pray for others without knowing what to pray for. After saying all that. The answer is no we do not all speak in the same tongue. [/b]Beaver
ParticipantThis post is for those that may get the wrong impression of test scores and How God leads us. We must all know that as we pray for guidance and counsel, and stand on faith believing in those prayers. We must put feet on our prayer. It is not a magic trick, and God is not a special genie in a lamp. God is looking for us to fully expect our answer to prayer, and he wants to see action on our part. If we pray for money we need to go look for a way to get it. God will not drop it out of the sky. If He did He would be a counterfeiter, and God does not do that. If you are praying for wisdom you must study to show yourself approved. If you pray for healing and you believe God’s word you need to start acting like you are healed. When you ask God for anything in pray you must first believe that you receive and then act like you have. It is a lot like power steering on a car. It does not start to work until YOU first turn the wheel. And for those who may think God only cares for important stuff. Let it be known God cares about everything in your life, He wants to have that close of a relation with you. So when you pray and believe you receive, put feet on it and let God see the action that you trust His word.
ParticipantWhen we look at the Bible we see that it is old and new testament. This means all the good is still ours from the old testament and it only gets better with the new testament. When we divide this word of truth we need to do things such as be sure if the promise is now better through Jesus, to be sure we recognize what all the good is for us to have. There are times when we will need to use the word of God to defend the prayer we stand on. The devil will be right there saying you did not get what you prayed for. He will do this through our thought life, which becomes emotions. When we divide the word we will find out God wants us to have good always when we seek Him first. Some people divide the word and say what was for then is not for now. But when the word is rightly divided. We will see God’s best is His desire for us always. There are scritpures that tell us we need to count it all joy when we suffer for Christ, this suffering is persecution. Being picked on for standing up for God. This does not mean when the devil is whipping your head with some sickness to count it all joy. Put Jesus name on that thing and the devil in his place. The word tells us to resist the devil and he will flee from you. These types of dividing will mean the difference in you putting up with something or putting a stop to it.
Hope this may help.
This is the definition of DIVIDE; to be or make different in opinion or interest.
ParticipantIt is not wrong to have things. It becomes wrong when things have you. If you allow the desire for a thing to tempt you into turning from God’s word then you will have to make a change. When I shop, now this is my opinion, and you can take it or leave it. I will find something I want or need and my natural man says get it. You want it get it! But my drive is always to put God first. I believe God wants me to have all my Desires, but I also think God wants me to be the best steward of money I can. I will shop for the things I want or need and do my very best to make sure my purchase is the wisest choice for the money. I will see something I like, and give it two or three days before I buy to be sure i am not buying from impulse. The world has impulse buying on every corner. Every registar at the store is loaded with last minute purchase stuff, that you probably will never need. I look at each day as a challenge, to see what when I can beat the devil at his own game each day in Jesus name. I grocery shop the same way, I can tell you the best price that there ever was on every item I use and unless I am out of it I will wait until the price is right. This may sound crazy, but I want to get the most for God’s money that He allows me to use.
ParticipantThat is My son and God’s son, and we are pleased.
ParticipantKeep trusting in God for your wisdom and guidance. He will never let you down. Congratulations!! And praise the Lord for the Helper.
Participant“Father, I believe with all my heart, based on the Scriptures, that the gift of the Holy Spirit is meant for me. Just as I trust You for my eternal salvation by faith, so now do I trust You, by faith, to give me the fullness of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with other tongues. I now receive, by faith, the gift of the Holy Spirit within. Thank You, in Jesus’ name, amen.”
Remember; when you say this prayer, and you believe you receive, you will need to speak in other tongues. Your mouth will not move unless you move it. Your tongue will not move unless you move it. You do not become a puppet on a string. You still possess your free will and the prayer in tongues is all you. The language you speak is unknown to you but God understands every word. You talk in faith the words you say you do not understand. If you did your natural mind could interfere with your prayer. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit and you speak in a tongue, as a sign that you are filled. The prayer in tongues edifies your spirit man. Your understanding is unfruitful because you speak with your spirit and your natural mind does not feed on it. Tongues is for the spirit man. Remember it is not something you feel. You open your mouth and you let come out what will, it is your spirit praying. All tongues do not sound the same. You are a small child in Christ as you first accept the Holy Spirit. Your language is not going to be the same as one that has been filled and practicing for some time. You will be speaking by faith, believing by faith you are doing just what you are suppose to. If you get a good feeling great if not, remember it is faith not what you feel.
Your prayers become more powerful. because you are praying in a way you do not understand. But the Spirit knows exactly what to pray for.
It is the very best way to pray and intercede for another, when you do not know what they need.If you should need more help see a loved one you know that prays in the spirit and they will be more than happy to counsel you.
ParticipantMatthew 16:20 Then He commanded His disciples that they should tell no one that He was Jesus the Christ.
If we do our best to be Christ like, as the Bibles says we should. We should be living an example that all can see. Others that look on us should know us by our fruits. And if our example is what it should be, we should not need a symbol of any kind to convince others of our faith. They should know us by our fruits not the symbol we carry. Let others speak highly of you. If they do not it may not be so.
Participant[b][i]1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evi; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.[/b][/i]
The scriptures let us know, the word we believe in. Is love and it never fails. We as Christ’s examples need to, never be drawn into the flesh of this world. The Scriptures tell us that our battle as Christians is a spiritual battle, never with flesh and blood. see (Ephesians 6:12) We need to know we should be praying our battles to victory. And what seems to be an attack that we need to defend ourself in the flesh, is the exact opposite way we should respond. Be sure you are grounded in the word of God, and if so you can take the persecution. And always remember, we are not perfect and sometimes we can be corrected through others. Love them, be an example, put ourselves in their shoes, and look at ourselves from their veiw, examine ourselves honestly, pray with faith believing. God’s word is our guarantee we will have peace. Satan wants us to think it is a flesh and blood battle. If he can draw a negetive confession out of us. our mouth will lead us astray. Guard your confession, and be the example.
Participant“In the natural,” is something that you perceive with one of your five senses, sight, smell, touch, hearing, and tasting. These senses should not direct God’s promise in your life. Do not use your natural senses, when listening to God, at times the senses do not agree with what God is saying. Natural senses are good but you cannot always trust in them. As you can trust in God.