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ParticipantThe same way, if you say you are a believer, but never show fruit of what you say you believe.
If you say you are a believer to others, then you are the salt of the earth. Now what you do to act on what you believe will show how flavorful or salty you are.
If you salt your food, because you want the flavor of salt, then you find that the salt your using has no flavor, you will throw it out because what good is it.
If someone tells you they believe but does nothing to show it. They are like salt that has lost its flavor.
Are people listening to what you say you believe in, and are you showing them you are the salt of the earth? Or are they about to throw you out because you say you believe in something, and it is only lip service?Beaver
ParticipantThe example is in the miracle that Jesus did not do. Jesus did not use God’s power to bring attention to Himself. That is not the reason any of us should use God’s power. The miracles that happened in Jesus presence for example. The woman that had the issue of blood that touched His garment and became well, Jesus let her know right away that, it was her faith that made her well. He let her know that it was her faith, her trust, her belief in Him that is what brought her miracle about. And each miracle He did perform, contrary to what some say, was not done so He could show off God’s power. It was God that got the glory, and the people that knew the people that were healed, believed that they were healed. But the miracle was never done so Jesus could say, “See what I can do.” The miracles that were done, the people that received them could say, I knew, I believed, and I trusted, and He rewards those that do.
Our miracles in life are from the faith, trust, believing, and knowing that He is God and He rewards those that diligently seek Him.
It should not be the miracles that make us believe, but our belief should make the miracles.
This world has us believing it is the signs that we see before that lead us to our destination, but God say’s it is the signs following our belief that are the ones we should trust in.
Jimmy, you may be in a main artery, not a vein, they come after the heart, for example; just like signs following, come after the believing.
ParticipantThere are many people that the devil will tempt into taking a bribe and if they fall into temptation, satan’s temptation, it will keep them from the best God has for them.
This world will offer us things or money and it will give us a false sense of security. We become comfortable in what the world has to offer, and what God has for us, we may never see because satan has offered us a bribe and we took that instead of a good and perfect gift from above.
No amount of money will speed up the answer to God’s prayer in your life. If you believe you received it when you prayed, that is when the answer came. Now the devil steps in and offers a bribe and something far less than what God has for you. But because it looks a lot like what you want, or it is close to what you want, you take satan’s bribe. But you can be sure if you take satan’s bribe you will need to give him something in return.
Kind of like the world’s welfare system, you can have it, but when you take it, you limit yourself to that and become comfortable. It is a bribe from satan. It becomes hard for you to let that go, because you see it as security and the real security, the good and perfect gift, trusting in the power and promises that Jesus Christ offers by faith, you give up on.
The world’s bribe, is a choice we must have in order to exercise our free will.
The choices must always be present, because we have free will.
How to know which choice is God’s?
His answer to your prayer will not require oppression. God answers to your prayer will not require you stay sick, so that you can recieive His promise.
Jesus Christ came to this world so we could have life more abundantly.
Satan’s job is to offer you bribes. Give you other choices that will keep you from God best, and money is one of the things satan offers to keep your faith gears in neutral.
That explains why; the love of money is the root of evil.
ParticipantI do not believe it is wrong to call a self help book a bible. It would be the same as saying it is all you will ever need to know about an earthly topic, written in one book. The only problem I see is this world and the things in it change daily. I could not imagine anyone being able to say that they could write a book that is complete and all you would ever need on a subject of any earthly thing.
Calling a tax self help book a bible is one of the books I would think least likey to have all the information you will ever need on taxes, because tax laws change daily.
Thank God, His word never changes and Jesus and God stay the same everyday, and the book they have inspired man to write is complete and all we could ever need to live by. And because it is inspired, it is as if God wrote it Himself and we can count on the information to never change, and the only book that you can call a Bible.
As far as calling a tax self help book a bible, or complete, it could only be complete at the time of the writing, and would become incomplete after they change the first tax law.
The only thing wrong with calling any self help book a bible, would be , if you thought it was all you ever needed on the topic. Because the way the world works, it will keep changing the answers so you will need to keep buying books to keep up with the questions.
ParticipantAre you asking about books, on religion, or books on topics; such as, cooking, plants, gardening,etc…?
ParticipantThis post was my thought on these illusions.
Satan has this world thinking that God is in a building, and Jesus Christ’s power is not available, any time and any where.
Satan Has this world thinking that alcohol and drugs are the evil in this world, and really, it is the love of money that drives their abuse.
Satan has this world thinking that the Government is taking prayer out of school. And the reality of it all is, the only way to take God out of school is to take out the children, that have been taught and learned about Christ at home.
Satan has this world thinking that if Christians do not watch out, the world’s Government is going to seperate church and state, when they do away with all our graven images of the “Ten Commandments” among other things. When in reality the only way to seperate Church and state is to elect ungodly men, or not be able to see the difference in them. Thank God we will know them by their fruits. If we know what fruits to look for.
Satan has this world thinking that the evil in this world can be over come with power and might, if we drop enough bombs we can keep it at bay. And reality of it all is evil will remain until we over come it with good. If we feed our enemy, that is when we will heap coals of fire on their heads. If we for every million dollar Tomahawk missile, could have dropped a million dollars worth of Campbell’s soup, and drop them in a way that not one man could control who got them, and not one man could get the glory for it, and they all where fed, good and evil, how much futher would we be.
Satan has this Christain world thinking that Harry Potter is a problem, When in reality it is the Christians that do not know enough about God to tell, that one is an illusion and the other is real.
Satan has this world thinking that his story is never ending?
We as Christains need to have the evil pursue Good. Keep God’s word as a treasure. Make it what it is meant to be, a special treasure that they will need and can not do without. In stead of something like a fable that only works in the movies.
Does satan have you focusing on the wrong problem, while he gives you what for? He is the master of disguise.
ParticipantThe most important lesson in this conversation, is speak to God in Jesus name. It is why He came and paid the price, it is how we please God by using our faith in Jesus name.
If you have a tattoo, Jesus still loves you, If you do not have a tattoo and you want one, only to show you love Him, there is only one way to show God you love Him. Line up with His will and keep the faith in Jesus name.
ParticipantIt is good to know Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father. It is also Good to know we can speak to Him at any time of day or night. Because we now can do this, it is now we should do it. Let us take what Jesus gave His life for and become righteous, we will do this by faith, and speaking to who we believe in.
I went to Levitcus and read this passage and wondered why I would not have been led to use it. I asked a question and I count on the Holy Spirit guidance to respond. As I read the Scripture I quickly saw that it read “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you.
It jumped off the page, (for the dead) and Thank God Jesus is alive and well.
I can only assume that is why He led me to answer, with the graven image commandment. It was not a question of getting a tattoo for the living.
It is so good to know that even if we mess up, we can repent in Jesus’s name and still speak to Him.
God loved us.
ParticipantWhen you pray in Jesus’s name, you acknowledge the fact that Jesus did come and did pay a ransom for our salvations. When you pray in Jesus name, you simply say, “Heavenly Father, I am coming to you in prayer in Jesus name. I believe in your Son and I believe He came to this earth to be an example, to die on the cross for my sins, and I believe with His stripes, the ones He received from the beatings that were given to Him, before His crucifixion, I was healed.”
When you let God know you have an understanding of Jesus’s sacrifice, you are letting Him know exactly what you believe.
It is very important when you speak to God, you speak in Jesus’s name. Jesus sits at the right hand of God and Jesus, is who has given us the authority to speak to God through Him. Jesus is our intermediary.
In the Scripture John 14:12-14 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father, “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”
These words are in red because they are the words Jesus spoke in the Bible. It is clear that this is the way God wants us to speak to Him. In His Son’s name. Always when talking to God we should pray in Jesus name. It is the order God has put into place. It also gives us the opportunity to give the glory to Jesus for allowing us the ability to speak to God. It is because of Jesus, we can speak to God. We need to always recongnize that fact. And we do when we mention His name in our prayers.
ParticipantDear Drew,
You should seek God and His Son for every queston you have in life. Some of us seek our desires with out God in Mind, and some of us think we find God only later to find out it is a wolf in sheeps clothing. As you ask whether to get, or not to get a Tattoo? I do not know anyone other than God, that could tell you to or not to get one, I know if you ask Him in Jesus name, He will answer you. Here are a few Scriptures.
Exodus 20:4 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image– any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth;
John 14:15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments.
When you show God you love Him and His Son, it is very clear that the way we do that is do God’s will in our life. God’s will is written down, and we can know it as we study the Scriptures. If you decide to make an image of anything to show you love God, it puts a limit on God, and with God there is no limits.
If you have a tatoo or you do not, God loved you. If your desire is to get one to show God you love Him and His Son, you will need to ask God in Jesus name. I would have to say, doing His will is the only way He would like to see you love Him.
Drew; speak to God in Jesus name, there is no man that can tell you what God wants in your life. Do not let men direct you unless they direct you to and with God’s word.
ParticipantBe sure you know this Scripture is a true story, something that actually happened, and a parable is something Jesus used to get us to come up with the answers ourselves. It is the answers that we search and find that we will believe in the most. The answers that no one can talk us out of. This method of finding answers to parables will have us questioning every answer we come up with, until the answers are the truth. The truth that will set us free.
ParticipantMay miracles never cease. In Jesus’s Name
ParticipantYou can find it written in Psalms 69:9.
ParticipantYou are so welcome! We Love you to! Happy Easter!
ParticipantTry 1 John 4:1-6