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ParticipantMore importantly, if someone knocks on your door and say they know God,will you know if they do?
ParticipantFaith is, the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.
And the stone to big for God to lift, I can only imagine, is Jesus Christ the rock, corner stone, of my foundation.
The burden of lifting to be carried by those that do not know Him.
ParticipantWill the attack reveal your fear that is other than God.
ParticipantStart in the book of Revelations about chapter 13 and go to the end. Keep this thought in mind; A thief walked into a store and shoplifts and they are caught on camera, and another person man or woman walks into a store and makes a purchase on credit with no way of knowing how the bill will be paid. Each takes home what it thinks will gain her or him glory and offers it to their children, which one could you identify with out the mark of the beast?
Which one can have all the appearance of being christian but be a wolf dressed as a lamb?
Which one loves money and which one loves God?
Which one appears innocent and which appears guilty?
Which one knows the need to accept Christ as their Savior, and which is trying to hide the fact that they have sinned?
ParticipantThe love of money is a root of evil, that runs deep. The churches that go as far as to call seed,which is the Son of God, money, are a lot like Judas. [Luke 8:11] [John 3:11-12] [John: 1-5]They trust in money for their miracle and will gladly sell you a package to teach about Salvation, because money means more to them than Trust in God’s Son.
Judas, gave something away that never was his to give, because Judas had never received what he was giving, he never made it his own, and yet took credit for it. He charged for something that was free, he never believed he received. Money is where he placed his trust.
God forgives those that REPENT or TURN AWAY from sin, and ask in His Son’s name. Anything other than that is a practice of lawlessness, to raise money.
No wonder when Jesus returns and the churches that come to Him and say look at all we have done in your name. He will respond. “I never knew you.” [Matthew 7:21-23]
ParticipantIf a man says he loves God and does not love his brother he is a liar. I guess we need to find out how all pastors treat their brothers? Before we allow them to lead us.
1 John 4:20-21
ParticipantMartin, barge in anytime! It is always great to hear from someone that notices a good sight when he sees it. Welcome!
March 6, 2005 at 9:14 pm in reply to: Are there woman that will watch their child sacrificed…? #18942Beaver
ParticipantAs I speak to God in prayer, At times he responds with questions for me as well. This is a question He asked.
In the Scriptures Solomon showed his wisdom God had given him, by judging a case of two woman that where fighting over who’s child it was still alive, Solomon knew that love would bring out the truth, and the one that loved it would rather see it live than have it destroyed to prove a point.
The question that I will leave to you to answer, that He ask me is, Would a woman given a position of power in the world, be willing to watch her child destroyed to keep from giving up her positon of power?
Society today is screaming this answer, and calling it pro choice. Is this for a lesson that can not be denied? Is God allowing something as He has all things, so that we can know Him, and His power of forgiveness.
ParticipantIn this message, I am trying to say so much more than, is it ok to feed the birds. Our religious society today is a bird feeding society. We take our riches and call them God’s will. We provide in an unnatural way, and we have built an enviroment that without riches is useless. So instead of teaching God’s word, and giving understanding and allowing God’s children a kingdom that they can conquer, in Jesus name, we enforce that with out money, it is impossible to please God. In actually it is faith that pleases God, and Ceasar gets all the credit for the riches. It is riches that is taking the place of faith, and the name of Jesus, even the good and perfect gift that is still there, is denied, as we rush in with riches and take God’s glory as if we know better. And in doing so the world pays a price that God is getting blamed for, when there is no healing and poverty and deception run wild.
It was not silver and gold that Peter and John offered the lame man at the gate of the temple. It was healing. The man was looking for a hand out and had been settling for money instead of God’s best. In todays society instead of teaching God’s best we teach money is what has all the power. It is the most unnatural gift that robs us of practicing faith that pleases God.
What comes from planted seed is a miracle that we could not explain. But with money we can purchase what comes from that miracle and call it God.
What comes from God’s word planted in good ground is a miracle that we hardly ever get to see, because we use money to take its place. So many people today are willing to settle for the hand out than the true miracle that comes from God, such as a healing.
ParticipantPeople go through life, they want to believe in God, but they want to do their will instead of His. In other words they only want to have to do the least possible, or the bare minimum and do His will. Just enough to get them into heaven, and still have their way. That is why they spend a life time trying to find the ledge of this world and not fall off. I guess you could say they want to know the ledge, so they can live life on the edge of it. When our desire is to know God through His Son, we gain the knowledge of God as we ask Him for it. We, by faith in His name have the ability to overcome this world even if we have sinned. But if our desire is to just to know the ledge of God and not His Son, it will not be a secret to God. We may fool man but God knows our heart, and He only wants what comes after it, not before it. Until we give Him our heart, He will use us, but in the end will tell us, “I never knew you.”
So for you to know what sin is, you must first desire with your heart to know Him. What sin is to the world’s way of thinking, may not be sin at all to God. The religion of the world loves to establish rules and regulation and say if you do this than you are sinning against God, and if you do not than you remain within the limits, that might not be the case at all. For the Preachers today to say that smoking and drinking is something they are proud they never have done, or something they do not do any more, and use this as a lesson of righteousness, they will have to remove the Scripture that says, “It is not what goes in your mouth that defiles you, but what comes out of it.” Matthew 15:11
If the desire of your heart is to know God through His Son, I can assure you, your heart will condem you when you are sinning. But if your heart is not in your decisions then, the thing that God uses to communicate to you, to condem you and to give you assurance, has been left out. If you feel good or bad has nothing to do with whether your sinning or not. It all has to do with that tug at your heart, so be sure not to leave your heart out.
What will happen if you sin again, again, and again? If it is sin? You will know for sure you have yet to give your heart to God, and He is not your desire. And finding out where you are is the first step into finding out what you must do, to get to where you want to go.
What is sure sign of sin? When someone’s will is inline with God’s, and they line their will up with yours, even if it is not their will, and you treat that with disrespect, you can be sure that is sin.
Before you let the devil make you think God has cut you off because you have sinned.
First: be sure it is sin and not a broken tradition.
Second: know if it is sin, Jesus died for them all.
Third: if your true desire is to know God through His Son, your heart will let you know when you are not inline with His will.
ParticipantOnly if the God’s will he was in line with, was an imposture, of the true God. Or his wife really wanted a black cat, and a bronze spoon.
ParticipantWhen you ask if the flag is an Idol, it depends on what flag you talk about. There are flags that represent countries, these flags are banners that stand for what we believe. Some countries flags are Idle they do nothing in Jesus name but they do sit as idols and draw attention from the Word of God. They cry for help in oppression and demand help from God, they Say "If there is one, why does He not help us," which moves God, as He hears their cries.
Flags represent countries, it is a banner that we see and we know what country they represent.
And as we live under the American flag that represents our country, it is safe to say it is anything but an idol that sits idle. America has many falts and has it share of imoral people, but they are first to move in Jesus name for other countries, that do not believe in God and His Son.
Other countries look to America and the flag that represents it and cry for help.
When we set out to find new ground and tell people about our God, we need to come to a full knowing of Him ourselves. We need to know that He does not come to steal, kill, and destroy. That is what the devil does and the devil did steal God’s creation from God, by deceiving the people God created. The devil said to God lets give them a choice, and when they chose the opposite of God’s command, the devil became the God of the world by deceit. He stole God’s kingdom and called it his own. And then placed Guards at the tree of Life that was there for us also, but the devil did not want us to have the freedom to choose.
Then Jesus came and gave us The Way, to come to Him with out us having to Go through the temple. He gave us away for Him to live in us, and buildings made with hands, and special sacrifices that we needed to make, that if we didn’t have we could purchase at the temple, and the men that held our path to God in their hands, we no longer had to go through them to God. It is surely why they wanted Him dead, because the love men had in money, was going to be taken completely out of the path to God.
When the Europeans set out to find freedom, they also bought with them, the greed that was the second part of there minds, that was to lead the kingdom to failure. The Scriptures say that double minded men are unstable in all their ways. And as we set out for freedom to choose what we wish, our choices should be inline with God’s will. It is God’s will for us to choose Him over money, but the money is tempting us in every way we turn, and it is not God that is making it so alluring. It is men that have set out for freedom of choice, but have been moved by money, instead of God’s Word.
We Americans stole this land from the people that where here, and we did it in the name of God. IF! we had come with nothing other in mind except giving them the knowledge, of the power in God’s Word, and presented God’s Word to them as a treasure, that was worth more than anything they had, they would have sold all they had for it.
American flag is anything but an idol, because an idol is idle that does nothing. We may be double minded, and we have our faults, everyone does. That is why God gave His only begotten Son, so you can be forgiven. So through Him the money would be removed from the house of prayer, and the house of prayer would become your body. And if you can overcome the second part of your mind, that money can take the place of God’s Word. Your body which is the church, becomes the single minded Kingdom that is free of doubt, to build your house on.
We can fight for what we believe is right, whether it is right or wrong. But the Banner we should have over us is to do God’s will even if it is not our desire to do so. That is a Banner of Love.
God is not trying to get us back our freedom, He has done it in Jesus name. It will take our choice to choose Him, by faith and please God, and stop the devils lie; Who says it is not so.
All should look only foward to do God’s will. Because what has happened is an idle, idol.
ParticipantWhen you say you believe that Jesus is Lord of your life. It is then you will treat others, in a way that you would want to be treated. If you are letting the devil rule your life and there is no faith and action in what you believe. Then you will treat others in the same selfish way the devil treats others. Only caring about himself and could careless about what anyone else thinks.
When you take your body, which is the temple, that you ask Jesus to live in. And let the devil use the temple that is God’s, you become very selfish and the only things you care about, are serving your needs. When Jesus comes in, you will not care about Him, or anyone else, and if you do not take anyones else’s cares over your own, then you will not recongnize Jesus. -