1 Finding a secret place to pray; You will have to know, when you become a Christian, having a secret place to pray is one of the most important things you can have. Unless you are sure you have prayed in secret, you have know way of knowing if it is God that answered your prayer. Knowing you have prayed in secret and received an open reward for others to see, it is what gives you confidence in your faith.
2 Finding out how to give, without others knowing it was you that did; This is a tough one. When you give, give in secret, not letting the left hand know what the right one is doing. When you give in secret and receive openly from God, this is another faith confidence builder. Receiving from the people you have given to, because they know it was you that gave, will build a trust in money that you do not want.
3 Having the desires of your heart, can be a burden; If you let it. Not knowing what to do first, knowing you can do all things through Christ that gives you strength. Receiving your desires that you do not know you have, that takes some doing. It will keep your secret communication with God at an all time high.
4 Finding some one to share with that believes the way you do; that is one of the biggest burdens of all. Being able to serve God with others that believe the same, will reach more people for God than you could imagine. It is the ones that are unequally yoked that allows the doubters to have a place.
All the other burdens Christ carried to the cross. If you will believe that, you can set them down and walk away from them?