Keyword: lead
Definition: 1:to guide on a way often by going ahead 2:to be at the head of 3:to go through 4: to reach or go in a certain direction
Scriptures: Psalms 139
Matthew 6:9-15
Luke 6:37-42
Psalm 23
Matthew 15:10-20
John 10:1-6
Deuteronomy 32:1-47
Psalm 107
Romans 8:12-17
Ephesians 4:7-16
2 Timothy 3:1-9
Exodus 13:11-22
Brief Summary : The Bible talks about being led all through it. It is very important for us to not only let God lead us, but to also know if God is leading us, or our desires are leading us into temptation. When God leads and you believe He is leading you and answering your prayers, you must not waver. If your desires are leading you it is so important to find out early so as not to have to endure unnecessary sorrow. The Scriptures let us know that where ever our temptaions lead us we can repent and God will give us a way of escape. Repenting will get you back on coarse, refusing to repent will make you blind to your leader and the way of escape is much harder to find.
Know when you are being led. Know who is leading you. Your lead needs to fall in line with God’s Word. If you are ever lead by anger you can know it is not the direction God would have you go. For example: If you become angry with your child and you feel led to beat them into submission, you need to be sure anger is not part of that lead. It is not wrong to spank your child. But it is wrong to let anger lead you to do so.
This is just one example of missing your lead, but you can see how sometimes we do things and leave God’s leading out of our sight completely.
Know your Leaders voice, and the attributes of His leading so you will besure and not get lost.