As I ponder what must have gone through Abraham’s mind and heart as he was lead to sacrifice his son Isaac, I tried to relate it to this time and date.
What must have been Truth then would still have to remain Truth today.
Abraham leading his son in to the wilderness, all the time knowing full well what he was about to do. He following his God’s instructions, to the letter, with all the faith he had been given, and a trust knowing his God knew exactly what He was doing.
His only seed that was only to come through Sarah, his promise, he would make him the father of many nations, through this one and only child.
This child he was now being asked to sacrifice to this God he trusted in.
How would it ever work?
Who had convinced his God this was the right thing to do?
Was it Abraham, or some devil, that had come to steal, kill and destroy, a kingdom?
Like Abraham, what would be the way of escape.
You have no witnesses, you are in the wilderness, and the devil is looking to see that, there is a flesh and blood sacrifice. A sacrifice that will put a stop to God’s promise.
What would be Abraham’s escape?
Would it be Truth that set him free?
At that time, one Ram caught in the thorns, would be the sacrifice that would take the place of Isaac.
Would the devil ever know?
The devil cannot identify one blood or one flesh from another, to him it all looks the same.
Abraham needed faith in his Promise from God, and one Ram.
How does that translate into todays world?
I wonder if it could be R.A.M., (rapid access to memory)?
I wonder if our R.A.M. could convince us, of our promise from God, and if so how many memories, of how are faith in Him, has given us more reason to trust Him.
And just how much R.A.M will it take for us to recall it all.
I ponder, and I thank God, In Jesus name, for my ability to do so.