When you receive free will, you know the will of the Father, in doing so you also know all the wills that are not like His.
The wills that are not like His are painful only to those that know Him.
The wills that are not like His, do not feel your pain.
Could you ever overcome the world with out knowing the pain you caused others because of your free will, that is not like God’s?
What if you knew all the pain that came from choices, even the pain God felt, when you were outside of His will?
What if you wanted to take all that pain from God?
What if you did not care, because you did not feel His pain?
What if pain that should be yours, you could place on someone else?
Would your free will be to know them, or would you ignore their present?
Free will means you choose.
Love; lets someone else choose, hoping they will know them well enough, to keep their choice.