When you feel anxious; "I am anxious for nothing I do all things with prayer and supplication."
When your body feels not quite right; "I believe with Jesus stripes I was healed."
When you balance your check book and you realize the funds are not there; "I will not write this check, but I believe Jesus came to this world so I could have abundant life, and not have to steal, kill and destroy, anyone to gain it."
When someone finally realizes they have falsely accused you; "I forgive you and you owe me nothing."
When fear sets in, the kind that make you question your sanity; "God did not give me this spirit, but the spirit of power, love and a sound mind."
When death comes near; " I do not fear you, I know to be absent from this body is to be present with God."
Want to respond in a way the devil hates? It is the way to place him beneath you.