Before I had proved Him to be true?

AtTheRightHand Forums Testimony Before I had proved Him to be true?

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    I accepted Christ to be my savior at around 15 years. Not sure of what I had done, I was going to have to prove it to myself. With my measure of faith, doing all I could to stand, I set out to prove to myself, What was God’s Truth? I found Him to be undeniable. There was no way around Him. There was no way to go through Him, without Him. And I knew I would have to know Him, before God would speak to me. I placed what I thought to be God’s Truth in my heart, and my journey began. All the rules were placed before me and I did what I could to keep them. The self condemnation that came if I was to break one was painful, but the pain that came when someone I loved broke one was almost unbearable. There was something I believed in my heart to be true and I confessed with my mouth, often to be ignored. As a child the questions began. "God; I am coming to you with what I believe to be true, is it?" My heart aches when I see or hear things that I am almost sure you do not want to be, and it hurts me to see or hear them. Are they as painful too you? What must I do? Can I help? I do my very best to keep them from being in my own life, but the ones I love seem to have no desire to know your Truth, and the pain that makes my heart ache. And yet they do not seem to notice my pain? Is there a place I can go for relief? How can I ever find peace? How do You ever find peace? Either it does not hurt you the way it does me, or what I believe is in my heart is not true. Can you tell me what it is that is True so I may be set free from this pain?

    "Give them My Word that you believe to be True, and Then you can be at peace." "You will never like what you see that is against My will, and you will know because it will hurt your heart, where you keep My Truth, that you are trying to prove, to yourself."

    "Once you are convinced with out doubt, you can rest."

    God’s Truth, you only need to convince yourself, and be an example.

    "Prove Me." He said. Romans 12:2


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