I did what I could to give Him a child with peace of mind, in a world that is so chaotic.
I have given Him a child that trust in Him, and will do my best not to let the world deceive me.
By faith I confess and trust in His Son that sits at His right side, waiting for His enemies to be made His footstool. I have done all I know to place them under my stand, because I know I became a part of His body by faith, and if I place His enemies under my stand, they will be under His.
I have believed that with His Son stripes I was healed, and in spite of the sickness, disease, and pain that my body suffers I do all I can to maintain the confession of what I believe.
I have searched for the Truth in all I do, and all I see, so that I can pass it on to the ones that are searching for the same.
I have come to know Him through His Son, and passed that on to my wife and sons, so that the world can not lead them a stray.
I have accepted His Sons sacrifice and the forgiveness that came with it, and I know the value of it, because I know my debt.
I have taken what He has taught me about money and know how, Not to give it the power the world does.
I gave Him my heart to speak to, if I get out of line with His will.
I have allowed the Truth to set me free.
I have come to the reality that not all want to know Him, and He does not want me, to force Him on them, and to just be an example, that cannot be denied.
I have given Him my father, and know now, he knows my heart, and smiles.
I gave Him my father for Father’s Day.