Topic: Body Language
Scriptures: Genesis 3:1-8
Genesis 4:3-10
Judges 7:5-11
Mark 14:22-26
Luke 22:39-46
Ephesians 4:17-24
Ephesians 6:10-13
Brief Summary: Our body language tells the world a lot about us. And as the devil walks the earth seeking who he may devour. Our body language tells him a lot about the God we trust in. You can think of it as a herd of animals and when they are stalked by a lion. It is the weak and the one he can Identify by their body Languge. It is the animals that cry out in distress that let it know who pursue. It is important for us as Christians to put on the armour of God and do all we can to stand against the wiles of the devil. When we are on top we act like it. When the devil tries to lie to us by pain and sickness do the best you can not to give Him Glory. Pray and stand in faith, and when you have done all you can to stand, just stand. It is this action of resisting that will have the devil fleeing. Our Body languages are an outside sign to how we feel and if we are weak in faith. Stand up straight and let the world see that the God you believe in is worthy to be praised.