Keyword: Serve
Definition: 1; To be a servant 3;Worship 1 5; to be of use: answer some purpose 9; to help persons to food or set out helpings of food and drink 10; to furnish with something needed or desired
Scriptures; Malachi 3:13-18
Matthew 4:8-11
Matthew 6:24
Luke 1:67-80
Luke 4:5-15
Luke 16:10-13
John 12:20-26
Galatians 5:7-15
Brief Summary: We see in the Scriptures, that the servants of God in the old testament, in the book of Malachi, were a little disgruntled. They had served God and it seemed as though that they were not any better off than the people that did not serve God, and they were letting God know.
God let them know that there was something coming that was going to change all that, and that something was, and is Jesus.
As we decide who we will serve, we will need the word of God to know the truth, so we do not serve evil because of ignorance.
Scriptures also let us know that if we decide to serve the world we can not serve God.
And if we serve God, we will be the best servants to the world, because all we do, is to serve the Lord.
Our work habits will be far and above the average man that serves the world. Because God is who we serve each day. The people that we work for should see a clear difference in our abilities at work.
God is who we should serve.
If we serve the world for money, than we can not serve God.
And if we serve God and believe that Jesus died for us. Then our services to any man on earth will be different than any man that serves for money?
It is God that gives us the power to get wealth. Not the men we work for.
Our job should be a place we serve God, by letting the world see a difference in us, and who we serve.
Who do you serve for? Money or God.