Keywords; like, liken, likened
Definition: 1:similar or similarly to 2: typical of 3: such as 4: Compare to
Scriptures: Isaiah 40:18-23
Matthew 7:24-27
Matthew 11:16-19
Mark 4:30-32
Luke 7:31-35
Luke 13:20-21
Matthew 13:24
Matthew 18:21-35
Matthew 25:1-13
God let us know how things are going to be if we, trust, believe, and stand in faith in Jesus name. It allows us to know what we can expect if we are living God’s will on earth. It also let’s us know what we will be like if we do not.
Many of us will liken ourselves to a Scripture such as the prodigal son, and say we have a wayward child that is out in the world, and we are waitng for them to come home, but in actuality What they left was as big a lie as what they are living.
When you liken yourself to something God describes, be sure you fit the description.
If you fit the description then do not let the devil deceive you. If God likened you to it and you fit the description, stand your ground and do all you can to stand. Do not give the devil a place.
If your house is built upon solid ground, and the storm comes it should stand. If it does not stand, then if you rebuild the same way, it will not stand the next storm coming.
When God’s word likens you to something that is what it is. If your house falls, then you need to rebuild with Jesus Christ as your foundation, if you do not your liken to will be the same as it was.
What ever you are liken to in the Bible, if it is good, Praise God. If it is bad, thank God For His Son Jesus, because that is why He came so you could change what you are like.